Best Practices and Recommendations for Developing and Maintaining a Successful Supervisory Relationship: Student Workshop

Facilitated by Aziza Kajan, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision and Lauren Pais, Case Coordinator, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision.The SGS Supervision Guidelines is a document that will help you as a graduate student understand best practices in graduate supervision. Join us for this overview of the Supervision Guidelines including an overview of the roles and responsibilities […]


Having Courageous Conversations: Student Workshop

Facilitated by Aziza Kajan, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision, Lauren Pais, Case Coordinator, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision. Is there something you would like to say to a supervisor or colleague, and you are struggling to find a way to say it? Do you find it challenging to have an uncomfortable conversation? In this workshop, […]


Communicating Boundaries and Expectations in the Supervisory Relationship: Faculty Workshop

Facilitated by Aziza Kajan, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision. Managing boundaries and expectations is integral to a successful graduate supervisory relationship. Knowing how, and when, to communicate what we expect from someone can help mitigate future misunderstandings. Establishing professional, academic, and personal boundaries and expectations helps the supervisory relationship feel more predictable, trustworthy, and […]
